Get Involved.

Make a donation.

NVAEYC relies on volunteer efforts to bring our program to our communities. Sign up to help us organize a professional development learning series, join our advocacy efforts or network with fellow educators.

As a 501 (c) 3 organization, your donations are tax-deductible!


Shop our Swag Store

Show that you are a proud NVAEYC Member with great NVAEYC swag. Show unity, reward your staff, and look sharp!

Women’s attire, men’s attire, and many other great items!

  • Volunteer

    Volunteering is essential to our organization. By dedicating time to support NVAEYC, you play a vital role in empowering educators, fostering a community and promoting professional growth while creating a positive impact on the education landscape.

  • Join the Board

    Through volunteering with our Board of Directors and committees, NVAEYC members will have the opportunity to shape our work. We need you!